Potassium: Properties and benefits

Potassium is undoubtedly one of the most important mineral salts for our body. In particular, this precious mineral has the ability to fight water retention and therefore promote renal function and diuresis. In this way it makes it possible to expel a large number of toxins from our body and therefore purify it. It is fundamental for muscle contractions and for the transmission of nervous impulses (and therefore for the well-being of the nervous system as a whole). It is also very useful for keeping blood pressure constant (within normal values) and therefore guaranteeing excellent functionality of our cardiovascular system. Natural sources of potassium are all fresh or dried fruit and vegetables. In particular, this precious mineral is abundant in dried figs, dried chickpeas, in dates, beans, potatoes, kiwis and bananas. A deficiency of potassium in the body (quite rare in the absence of specific pathologies) can cause states of asthenia and exhaustion as well as nervous, cardiac (arrhythmia) and intestinal (alteration of intestinal motility) problems. The excess of this mineral (very rare and generally present in cases of kidney disease) can instead lead to cardiac arrest (in the most serious cases) and states of general malaise.