Sodium: Properties and benefits

Sodium is a mineral with strong beneficial properties but, if taken in excess, it can have very problematic effects for our body. First of all, it is an alkaline mineral and therefore has the ability to regulate our blood PH and counteract dangerous states of acidosis in the human body. It is also responsible for the nervous impulse in our muscles, promoting their contraction (or relaxation). It is a basic constituent of our bones, our teeth and our cartilage. It regulates, together with potassium, the hydrosaline balance of our body (keeping the blood volume in constant balance). It has the ability (unlike potassium) to retain liquids within our body and, if taken in excess, to increase blood pressure. It is widely distributed in nature and is found in almost all vegetables as well as, obviously, table salt and products treated with it (cured meats, etc.). Its deficiency can cause states of irritability, general weakness, confusion, lowering of blood pressure, muscle spasms. An excess of it in the body can instead favor water retention, kidney problems, high blood pressure, muscle pain and states of general exhaustion.