Calcium: properties and benefits

Calcium is the most abundant mineral in our body. It is an alkaline mineral also important for maintaining a good acid-alkaline balance. In the human body it is 99% concentrated in the bones. It is therefore clear that, being concentrated mostly in the bones, it is important for the well-being of our skeletal system (and teeth) which in case of deficiency of this precious mineral can give rise to problems of no small importance (osteoporosis etc. ). It is involved in the biological processes that regulate blood coagulation and is therefore of fundamental importance for our lymphatic and cardiovascular systems. It has the ability to allow good muscle contraction and is therefore very important for the health and good functionality of our muscles. It also has hypotensive properties and is able to regulate blood pressure especially in cases of severe hypertension. Natural sources of calcium are all fruit and vegetables but also milk (and its derivatives) as well as fish and meat. A deficiency of this mineral can cause muscle cramps, joint pain, bone and skeletal system problems, loss of appetite, cardiovascular problems (especially arrhythmia) and states of exhaustion of various kinds. An excess of it can lead to problems with kidney stones, a sense of nausea and states of weakness as well as, as in cases of deficiency, problems with normal cardiac function. A deficiency of this mineral can cause muscle cramps, joint pain, bone and skeletal system problems, loss of appetite, cardiovascular problems (especially arrhythmia) and states of exhaustion of various kinds. An excess of it can lead to problems with kidney stones, a sense of nausea and states of weakness as well as, as in cases of deficiency, problems with normal cardiac function. A deficiency of this mineral can cause muscle cramps, joint pain, bone and skeletal system problems, loss of appetite, cardiovascular problems (especially arrhythmia) and states of exhaustion of various kinds. An excess of it can lead to problems with kidney stones, a sense of nausea and states of weakness as well as, as in cases of deficiency, problems with normal cardiac function.