Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin): Properties and benefits

Vitamin B12 is very useful for our body and has functions and properties similar to the other B vitamins. It is first and foremost involved in the energy metabolism of our body. It therefore promotes the conversion of carbohydrates into glucose, literally providing energy to our body. It is also involved in metabolic processes that allow the absorption of proteins and fats. It promotes the formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin which allow adequate oxygenation of the tissues of our organism. It is involved in cellular regeneration processes and has a preventive role in morbid degeneration of the cellular system. It promotes the well-being of our nervous system as a whole. In particular it seems to be very beneficial for our optic nerves which it helps to preserve and protect. It is also useful for the well-being of brain activity. It is not very available in nature since plant products generally do not contain it (with the exception of some types of algae and whole grains where it is found in very small quantities). It is abundant in animal entrails, clams, octopuses, etc. Its deficiency can cause chronic tiredness, states of fatigue, anemia, nervous problems. The excess of this vitamin (very rare and generally occurs only after taking supplements) does not seem to have particular consequences for our body. It is not very available in nature since plant products generally do not contain it (with the exception of some types of algae and whole grains where it is found in very small quantities). It is abundant in animal entrails, clams, octopuses, etc. Its deficiency can cause chronic tiredness, states of fatigue, anemia, nervous problems. The excess of this vitamin (very rare and generally occurs only after taking supplements) does not seem to have particular consequences for our organism. It is not very available in nature since plant products generally do not contain it (with the exception of some types of algae and whole grains where it is found in very small quantities). It is abundant in animal entrails, clams, octopuses, etc. Its deficiency can cause chronic tiredness, states of fatigue, anemia, nervous problems. The excess of this vitamin (very rare and generally occurs only after taking supplements) does not seem to have particular consequences for our body.