Magnesium: Properties and benefits

Magnesium is a mineral with exceptional beneficial properties for the human body. It collaborates in the functionality of all organs of the human body. In particular, this precious mineral acts in the processes of regulating the heartbeat and blood pressure and is therefore exceptionally beneficial for our cardiovascular system. It is essential for the correct functionality of our muscular and skeletal system which corroborates and protects from various forms of diseases (cramps, bone fractures, etc.). It has the ability to prevent the formation of kidney stones (thus preventing the onset of dangerous problems for the urinary system) and to stimulate diuresis and therefore the purification of our organism. Regulates intestinal function allowing this organ to work at its best. It has purifying properties on our skin and is particularly suitable for skin pathologies. Magnesium is an alkaline mineral and therefore has the ability to counteract states of acidosis in our organism (it is important for maintaining the acid-base balance). It is very widespread in both animal and vegetable foods. In particular, good sources of magnesium are whole wheat, dried fruit (almonds, pistachios, peanuts and hazelnuts), dark chocolate, peaches, brown rice, cabbage and broccoli, etc. The deficiency of this precious mineral can lead to states of generalized exhaustion, confusion, difficulty concentrating, muscle cramps, heart problems, etc. An excess of it can cause kidney problems, cardiac arrhythmias, diarrhea, nausea, etc.