Phosphorus: Properties and benefits

Phosphorus is the second most abundant mineral in the human body after calcium. It plays a fundamental role in the health of teeth and bones (which it helps to strengthen). It is able to guarantee the proper functioning of muscular activity. It is essential in ensuring the correct functioning of cellular activity (birth, growth and death of cells). It has beneficial properties on cardiac activity (it is able to regulate the heartbeat) and therefore on the cardiovascular system as a whole. It regulates the nervous impulse and therefore the activity of our nervous system as a whole. It is able to give energy to our body and therefore fight states of fatigue and tiredness. It is found in meat, fish, eggs, milk and derivatives, whole grains, potatoes, garlic, etc. A deficiency of this precious mineral can cause fatigue and chronic tiredness, alterations of the nervous system (irritability, nervousness, etc.), muscle and bone pain, loss of vigor, etc. An excess of phosphorus can instead cause gastrointestinal disorders and disturbances to our metabolism (with failure to assimilate some minerals such as calcium, iron and zinc).