Peach: Properties and benefits

Peach is certainly one of the tastiest summer fruits but it is also a fruit with excellent beneficial properties for our health. Since its water content is very high (up to 89% of its weight), it is particularly suitable for rehydrating our body especially during the heat of the summer months. Its high water content (associated with the fibers contained in it) make it an excellent regularizer of intestinal function as well as of our urinary system (as it promotes diuresis and therefore the purging of toxins from our body). It is very rich in vitamins (in particular vitamin C, vitamin E and group B vitamins) and this gives it very powerful antioxidant properties). It is also very rich in mineral salts (calcium, potassium, iron, sodium, magnesium, etc. ) which make it an excellent remineralising and tonic for our body. It is also very rich (as the yellow color of its pulp reveals) in carotenoids. In fact, this fruit contains beta-carotene, lutein and zeaxanthin. Very useful substance for the well-being of our skin, our eyes and our immune system. Excellent if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or as a snack. It would be preferable to always consume them alone (raw or in the form of juice) or associated with acidic or semi-acid fruit. of our eyes and our immune system. Excellent if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or as a snack. It would be preferable to always consume them alone (raw or in the form of juice) or associated with acidic or semi-acid fruit. of our eyes and our immune system. Excellent if consumed in the morning on an empty stomach or as a snack. It would be preferable to always consume them alone (raw or in the form of juice) or associated with acidic or semi-acid fruit.