Coffee: Properties and benefits

Coffee is a widely used food nowadays, especially in the form of a drink (which is obtained from coffee beans). It is an energizing and stimulating food for the nervous system. It is very useful in all cases where there is a decline in the organism’s vital activity or attention. In fact, coffee, thanks to caffeine, or the active ingredient contained in it, is able to stimulate the brain and physical activity of our organism (it is therefore very useful in cases of strong fatigue or in states in which experience drowsiness). It is also able to promote the gastric and hepatic secretion of our body and therefore also has digestive properties. It is very rich in polyphenols capable of effectively counteracting the oxidizing and harmful action of free radicals in our body. For this reason it is recognized as a food with a very powerful antioxidant action. It should be noted that roasting coffee involves the loss (at least in part) of its antioxidant properties. And adding white sugar can make coffee less healthy than “natural” coffee. Its excessive use can then cause states of tachycardia and excessive nervousness. It is therefore advisable to consume this drink in a moderate way (no more than two cups a day) to ensure its benefits without the harmful effects that can derive from its abuse (cardiac arrhythmias, neurological decompensations, etc.) And adding white sugar can make coffee less healthy than “natural” coffee. Its excessive use can then cause states of tachycardia and excessive nervousness. It is therefore advisable to consume this drink in a moderate way (no more than two cups a day) to ensure its benefits without the harmful effects that can derive from its abuse (cardiac arrhythmias, neurological decompensations, etc.) And adding white sugar can make coffee less healthy than “natural” coffee. Its excessive use can then cause states of tachycardia and excessive nervousness. It is therefore advisable to consume this drink in a moderate way (no more than two cups a day) to ensure its benefits without the harmful effects that can derive from its abuse (cardiac arrhythmias, neurological decompensations, etc.)