Cocoa: Properties and benefits

Cocoa is a fruit with strong healthy properties. In particular, it has powerful antioxidant properties thanks to the richness of flavonoids it contains (it is therefore able to effectively counteract the harmful action of free radicals). Cocoa has a strong energizing power on the body and its caloric intake is notable. It has a strong stimulating power on the nervous system thanks not only to the caffeine it contains but also to theobromine (a substance with properties similar to that of caffeine and capable of stimulating the activity and vitality of our organism). It contains vitamin A (precious for our skin and eyes) and group B vitamins (implicated in the metabolic activity of our organism and in the activity of our nervous system). It is also a good source of minerals (iron, zinc, magnesium, copper, potassium etc.) which make it very useful for the correct functionality of our organs (in particular for the heart and the cardiovascular system). Cocoa is therefore a healthy food and very useful for maintaining our health. Chocolate is obtained from cocoa which does not always have the nutritional characteristics of raw cocoa due to the industrial processes to which it is subjected and the refined products used (sugar in particular). Even the addition of milk to chocolate seems to reduce (based on various studies) the antioxidant power of this precious vegetable. Therefore, we recommend consumption that is not limited to chocolate alone but also, and above all, to the raw product even if it is much less tasty than its derivative. ) which make it very useful for the correct functionality of our organs (in particular for the heart and the cardiovascular system). Cocoa is therefore a healthy food and very useful for maintaining our health. Chocolate is obtained from cocoa which does not always have the nutritional characteristics of raw cocoa due to the industrial processes to which it is subjected and the refined products used (sugar in particular). Even the addition of milk to chocolate seems to reduce (based on various studies) the antioxidant power of this precious vegetable. Therefore, we recommend consumption that is not limited to chocolate alone but also, and above all, to the raw product even if it is much less tasty than its derivative. ) which make it very useful for the correct functionality of our organs (in particular for the heart and the cardiovascular system). Cocoa is therefore a healthy food and very useful for maintaining our health. Chocolate is obtained from cocoa which does not always have the nutritional characteristics of raw cocoa due to the industrial processes to which it is subjected and the refined products used (sugar in particular). Even the addition of milk to chocolate seems to reduce (based on various studies) the antioxidant power of this precious vegetable. Therefore, we recommend consumption that is not limited to chocolate alone but also, and above all, to the raw product even if it is much less tasty than its derivative.