Vitamin C (ascorbic acid): Properties and benefits

It is probably the most “famous” vitamin. It is a water-soluble vitamin (and therefore has the ability to dissolve in water) and is normally eliminated (when in excess) through the urine. In fact, its exceptional antioxidant effects that counteract the aging of our body as well as pathogenic states of various kinds (scurvy, flu, lymphatic system, etc.) are well known. It has a protective function on blood vessels and in general on our cardiovascular system. It stimulates the repair of body tissues and facilitates wound healing. It has the ability to stimulate the production of collagen and to favor, therefore, the formation of connective tissue. It also has anti-flu properties and stimulates the action of the immune system. Natural sources of vitamin C are all fresh fruits and vegetables and in particular peppers, lemons, oranges, parsley etc .. A vitamin C deficiency can lead to immunodepression and therefore the lowering of the defenses of our immune system, exhaustion, capillary fragility, scurvy, premature aging etc.. An excess of vitamin C (a condition that generally occurs only with the abuse of food supplements) can lead to states of exhaustion of various kinds and kidney stones.