Vitamin A (retinol in meat, beta-carotene in vegetables): Properties and benefits

Vitamin A has very important properties for the human body. It is essential for the well-being of the eyeball (cornea and retina) and therefore for sight. It is so important for our sight that when there is a strong deficiency we can witness partial or total loss of the same (up to total blindness in the most extreme cases). It also has the very important function of protecting our skin and our mucous membranes from degenerative states of various kinds.It also has a strong antioxidant power and therefore fights the damage caused by free radicals in our body. Its deficiency, as already mentioned, can lead to very serious damage to the retina and cornea with consequent loss of visual function and morbid states of the skin and mucous membranes.When in excess (this can only be found with the intake of retinol and therefore of vitamin A taken from foods of animal origin) it can even be toxic and create states of exhaustion of various kinds. In its vegetable version (beta-carotene) you can never witness an excess of vitamin A since beta-carotene in the human body converts into vitamin A only in case of actual need for it.Sources of vitamin A are animal meat, eggs, milk and dairy products, fruits and vegetables in general but especially those with a yellow-orange color (carrots, potatoes, peppers, pumpkins, apricots, melon etc.)