Raspberry: Properties and benefits

Raspberry is a berry with precious beneficial properties. As its dark red color reveals, it is (like all berries) particularly rich in anthocyanins with very strong antioxidant power. It is therefore very useful for preserving the good health of our organism by effectively fighting the harmful action of free radicals. Its exceptional antioxidant action is also guaranteed by the presence of vitamin C and vitamin K, which are also very useful for the well-being of the heart and our cardiovascular system. It also contains group B vitamins in fair quantities. It is very rich in mineral salts (potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron, etc.) which make it an excellent remineralizer and tonic, particularly useful in summer when our body is subject to heavy sweating. The abundance of water (84% of its weight) and fiber make it an excellent stimulator of intestinal function, promoting the expulsion of toxins from our body. It also has a stimulating effect on renal function and therefore has diuretic properties. It is also rich in quercetin, a polyphenol with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. For all these reasons, raspberries are fruits that should never be missing from our tables. They can be consumed alone or combined with other berries, even in the form of juice. a polyphenol with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. For all these reasons, raspberries are fruits that should never be missing from our tables. They can be consumed alone or combined with other berries, even in the form of juice. a polyphenol with antiviral, anti-inflammatory and anticarcinogenic properties. For all these reasons, raspberries are fruits that should never be missing from our tables. They can be consumed alone or combined with other berries, even in the form of juice.