Leek: Properties and benefits

Leek is a vegetable with truly exceptional therapeutic properties. Its properties are very similar to those of garlic and onion (they belong to the same family of plants, the Liliaceae). It has proven antibiotic (and antiviral) properties. This property can be attributed to the content of allicin (sulphurous essence also present in garlic and onion) whose beneficial action on our organism is well known. Leek is also very rich in polyphenols which guarantee its antioxidant action. It is very rich in vitamins (vitamin A, group B vitamins, vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin K) which make it an excellent ally of our cardiovascular system, skin, eyes and immune system. It is also very rich in mineral salts (magnesium, selenium, silicon, potassium, sodium, iodine, magnesium) and therefore has restorative and invigorating properties. It is very rich in water (88% of weight) and fiber and is therefore very useful in promoting intestinal transit and the correct elimination of waste materials from our body. It is also a powerful diuretic, effectively stimulating the activity of the kidneys and our urinary system. Due to the immense benefits that this vegetable is able to bring to the human body, leek should always be present on our tables. Excellent if consumed in a salad combined with other similar vegetables such as garlic and onion or even in the form of juice combined with other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying action (chicory, onion, watercress etc.) It is very rich in water (88% of weight) and fiber and is therefore very useful in promoting intestinal transit and the correct elimination of waste materials from our body. It is also a powerful diuretic, effectively stimulating the activity of the kidneys and our urinary system. Due to the immense benefits that this vegetable is able to bring to the human body, leek should always be present on our tables. Excellent if consumed in a salad combined with other similar vegetables such as garlic and onion or also in the form of juice combined with other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying action (chicory, onion, watercress etc.) It is very rich in water (88% of weight) and fiber and is therefore very useful in promoting intestinal transit and the correct elimination of waste materials from our body. It is also a powerful diuretic, effectively stimulating the activity of the kidneys and our urinary system. Due to the immense benefits that this vegetable is able to bring to the human body, leek should always be present on our tables. Excellent if consumed in a salad combined with other similar vegetables such as garlic and onion or also in the form of juice combined with other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying action (chicory, onion, watercress etc.) It is also a powerful diuretic, effectively stimulating the activity of the kidneys and our urinary system. Due to the immense benefits that this vegetable is able to bring to the human body, leek should always be present on our tables. Excellent if consumed in a salad combined with other similar vegetables such as garlic and onion or even in the form of juice combined with other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying action (chicory, onion, watercress etc.) It is also a powerful diuretic, effectively stimulating the activity of the kidneys and our urinary system. Due to the immense benefits that this vegetable is able to bring to the human body, leek should always be present on our tables. Excellent if consumed in a salad combined with other similar vegetables such as garlic and onion or even in the form of juice combined with other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant and detoxifying action (chicory, onion, watercress etc.)