Pear: Properties and benefits

The pear fruit is a true concentration of virtues. This is because it contains precious substances useful for our body. First of all, the mineral salts in which it is particularly rich make it a real remineralising food and a tonic for our body. It contains potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and silica in abundance (especially in the peel) which give it diuretic and cancer-preventive properties. Especially with regards to the colon and rectum. The pear is also very rich in fiber and therefore its daily consumption is very suitable for combating constipation which can be very harmful to our health. Considering that the intestine is the seat of our immune system, we can understand how important this is in keeping our body’s natural defenses active. It has diuretic effects and is therefore also helpful in promoting the purging of toxins from our body. The pear is therefore a powerful tool for the correct functioning of our excretory organs and for the liberation of the waste that forms as a result of the digestive process. Many of its substances (including silica which is also a cancer preventative) are found in the peel. For this reason it would be useful to eat it whole and with the peel (preferably organic). It can also be consumed in the form of juice. Pear juice, as well as being very tasty, is also easily digestible. It has diuretic effects and is therefore also helpful in promoting the purging of toxins from our body. The pear is therefore a powerful tool for the correct functioning of our excretory organs and for the liberation of the waste that forms as a result of the digestive process. Many of its substances (including silica which is also a cancer preventative) are found in the peel. For this reason it would be useful to eat it whole and with the peel (preferably organic). It can also be consumed in the form of juice. Pear juice, as well as being very tasty, is also easily digestible. It has diuretic effects and is therefore also helpful in promoting the purging of toxins from our body. The pear is therefore a powerful tool for the correct functioning of our excretory organs and for the liberation of the waste that forms as a result of the digestive process. Many of its substances (including silica which is also a cancer preventative) are found in the peel. For this reason it would be useful to eat it whole and with the peel (preferably organic). It can also be consumed in the form of juice. Pear juice, as well as being very tasty, is also easily digestible. The pear is therefore a powerful tool for the correct functioning of our excretory organs and for the liberation of the waste that forms as a result of the digestive process. Many of its substances (including silica which is also a cancer preventative) are found in the peel. For this reason it would be useful to eat it whole and with the peel (preferably organic). It can also be consumed in the form of juice. Pear juice, as well as being very tasty, is also easily digestible. The pear is therefore a powerful tool for the correct functioning of our excretory organs and for the liberation of the waste that forms as a result of the digestive process. Many of its substances (including silica which is also a cancer preventative) are found in the peel. For this reason it would be useful to eat it whole and with the peel (preferably organic). It can also be consumed in the form of juice. Pear juice, as well as being very tasty, is also easily digestible.