Milk thistle: Properties and benefits

Milk thistle is a plant known above all for its beneficial effects on the liver and liver function. It is particularly useful in cases of hepatitis and in all cases in which serious liver damage has been found. In fact, this plant has a very powerful restorative action on the liver and is able to repair its tissues even after serious pathologies. Like dandelion and artichoke, it has the ability to significantly increase the secretion of bile from the liver and facilitate the expulsion of waste (toxins) from it. It is a plant rich in flavonoids and polyphenols and therefore has a very powerful antioxidant action capable of effectively counteracting the harmful action of free radicals and premature aging. It also has a protective action on our skin as well as on the mucous membranes of the digestive system organs (thanks to its content of vitamin E and vitamin C which are also beneficial for our cardiovascular system). This plant also boasts a powerful diuretic and detoxifying action since it promotes the expulsion of toxins through urine. It can be taken in herbal tea or infusion also combined with other herbs with hepatoprotective, purifying and antioxidant properties (dandelion, artichoke, licorice, etc.) so as to enhance both its detoxifying and purifying effects as well as its antioxidant and hepatoprotective ones. This plant also boasts a powerful diuretic and detoxifying action since it promotes the expulsion of toxins through urine. It can be taken in herbal tea or infusion also combined with other herbs with hepatoprotective, purifying and antioxidant properties (dandelion, artichoke, licorice, etc.) so as to enhance both its detoxifying and purifying effects as well as its antioxidant and hepatoprotective ones. This plant also boasts a powerful diuretic and detoxifying action since it promotes the expulsion of toxins through urine. It can be taken in herbal tea or infusion also combined with other herbs with hepatoprotective, purifying and antioxidant properties (dandelion, artichoke, licorice, etc.) so as to enhance both its detoxifying and purifying effects as well as its antioxidant and hepatoprotective ones.