Endive: Properties and benefits

Endive is a vegetable with a powerful purifying action. Above all because it is an excellent regularizer of intestinal function. Thanks to its high fiber and water content, it is in fact able to overcome even the most stubborn constipation and free our body from waste products whose permanence inside the intestine would cause various diseases. It also has a diuretic and urinary tract stimulating function. It is a vegetable rich in mineral salts (sodium, iron, calcium, potassium etc.) which bring significant benefits to our body. It is also rich in vitamins. In particular vitamin C which is an excellent ally of our immune system. It is also very rich in vitamin A (which has a powerful antioxidant action and is essential for the health of our skin and eyes) and group B vitamins (useful for promoting the proper functioning of our cellular system) . Due to the action it exerts on the excretory organs (in particular the intestine and urinary system), it should be consumed every day to effectively eliminate toxins and therefore maintain a good state of health. It can be eaten raw, in salads, also combined with other vegetables with a strong purifying action such as chicory, lettuce, watercress, etc. Due to the action it exerts on the excretory organs (in particular the intestine and urinary system), it should be consumed every day to effectively eliminate toxins and therefore maintain a good state of health. It can be eaten raw, in salads, also combined with other vegetables with a strong purifying action such as chicory, lettuce, watercress, etc. Due to the action it exerts on the excretory organs (in particular the intestine and urinary system), it should be consumed every day to effectively eliminate toxins and therefore maintain a good state of health. It can be eaten raw, in salads, also combined with other vegetables with a strong purifying action such as chicory, lettuce, watercress, etc.