Celery: Properties and benefits

Celery is a vegetable with a very powerful detoxifying action. It is not only exceptionally rich in water (which makes it particularly useful for hydrating our body and promoting intestinal transit and stimulating the functionality of the urinary system) but also a true concentrate of antioxidant substances. This precious vegetable not only contains vitamin C (with known beneficial properties for the cardiovascular system as well as a powerful antioxidant), vitamin A (important for the health of our eyes and skin) and group B vitamins (important for the correct functioning of metabolic functions and our cellular system) but also a set of substances with a powerful antioxidant action that make it a real panacea for our health. We are referring to lutein and zeaxanthin (both very useful for the health of our sight and our eyes) but also to the flavonoids of which celery is particularly rich. These substances are able to effectively counteract the harmful effects of free radicals and counteract premature aging. It is also an excellent remineralising and tonic thanks to the large quantities of mineral salts it contains (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). For all these reasons, celery should be consumed every day. Preferably in salads associated with other vegetables (lettuce, watercress, fennel, etc.) or also in the form of juice in centrifuged products in which other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant action are also present (carrots, watercress, endive, chicory, etc.) These substances are able to effectively counteract the harmful effects of free radicals and counteract premature aging. It is also an excellent remineralising and tonic thanks to the large quantities of mineral salts it contains (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). For all these reasons, celery should be consumed every day. Preferably in salads associated with other vegetables (lettuce, watercress, fennel, etc.) or also in the form of juice in centrifuged products in which other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant action are also present (carrots, watercress, endive, chicory, etc.) These substances are able to effectively counteract the harmful effects of free radicals and counteract premature aging. It is also an excellent remineralising and tonic thanks to the large quantities of mineral salts it contains (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). For all these reasons, celery should be consumed every day. Preferably in salads associated with other vegetables (lettuce, watercress, fennel, etc.) or also in the form of juice in centrifuged products in which other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant action are also present (carrots, watercress, endive, chicory, etc.) It is also an excellent remineralising and tonic thanks to the large quantities of mineral salts it contains (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). For all these reasons, celery should be consumed every day. Preferably in salads associated with other vegetables (lettuce, watercress, fennel, etc.) or also in the form of juice in centrifuged products in which other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant action are also present (carrots, watercress, endive, chicory, etc.) It is also an excellent remineralising and tonic thanks to the large quantities of mineral salts it contains (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). For all these reasons, celery should be consumed every day. Preferably in salads associated with other vegetables (lettuce, watercress, fennel, etc.) or also in the form of juice in centrifuged products in which other vegetables with a powerful antioxidant action are also present (carrots, watercress, endive, chicory, etc.)