Chestnut: Properties and benefits

The chestnut is the symbolic fruit of autumn. It is a very energetic food because it is rich in starch and carbohydrates. Chestnut flour is obtained from chestnuts (once widely used for the preparation of polenta, castagnaccio etc., today much less because it has been replaced by wheat flour). It has a notable satiating power and is able, thanks to the richness of fiber it contains, to stimulate intestinal motility and therefore fight constipation. It is rich in group B vitamins and is therefore very useful for our metabolism, for cellular regeneration processes and for the health of our nervous system. It is also rich in mineral salts. In particular magnesium (implicated in the so-called energy metabolism and therefore in the assimilation of sugars in our organism as well as in the stimulation of the nervous impulse of the human body) and potassium (especially useful for combating water retention and promoting renal activity as well as to regulate blood pressure and preserve the health of the cardiovascular system as a whole). They can be consumed in abundance during the autumn season also in desserts based on chestnut flour (still widely used in small mountain villages) also associated with other typically autumnal fruits such as walnuts and almonds.