Asparagus: Properties and benefits

Asparagus represents a very healthy food for our body. First of all, they are excellent intestinal regulators thanks to the richness of fiber they contain. They are therefore useful for preventing or combating states of constipation which can be very harmful to our health. They are an excellent source of antioxidants thanks to the large number of vitamins (vitamin A, vitamin C, group B vitamins, vitamins E and K) and mineral salts (calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus etc.) contained in them. All these active ingredients bring benefits to the cardiovascular system, brain activity, nervous system, and to the excretory organs which can therefore work at their best and guarantee the normal purification and detoxification processes thanks to the expulsion of toxins from our body (asparagus is also present in asparagus, an amino acid with a powerful diuretic action which promotes the well-being of the urinary system). They are also very rich in flavonoids. In particular, they are rich in quercetin which has a proven powerful antioxidant, antiviral and anti-inflammatory action. Asparagus also contains another flavonoid, rutin, with a powerful beneficial action for the capillaries and the cardiovascular system as a whole. For all these reasons it is advisable to consume these precious vegetables as much as possible. They can be eaten in salads,