Vitamin K: properties and benefits

Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamin (which has the ability to dissolve in fats and which can therefore, unlike water-soluble vitamins, accumulate in the human body) with interesting beneficial properties. It is particularly beneficial for our vascular system and for its ability to regulate blood coagulation, preventing dangerous hemorrhages. It prevents the formation of calcium deposits in the cardiovascular system and therefore blockages in the veins and arteries. It is therefore very useful in the prevention of embolisms and thrombosis which are particularly dangerous for our health. It has a strong antioxidant capacity and is also active in numerous repair processes in our body. It is also able to promote the mineralization process of the bones and therefore keep our skeletal system in good health. It is particularly abundant in green leafy vegetables (watercress, spinach, etc.) and in general in fresh vegetables (cabbage, broccoli, peas, etc.) and also in animal products or products of animal origin (eggs, tuna, beef, etc.). A deficiency of vitamin K can lead to alteration of the blood clotting processes with typical symptoms of this pathology (nosebleeds, the occurrence of hemorrhages or even difficulties in the healing processes of wounds, fragility of the bone system) . An excess of this vitamin (which can generally only occur with the intake of medicines or supplements) can lead to states of malaise associated with vomiting,