Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine): Properties and benefits

Vitamin B6 is, like all other B vitamins, a water-soluble vitamin that is very useful for our body. It has the ability to promote metabolism. Specifically, it contributes to the assimilation of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the human body (a function that almost all B vitamins have) and is also responsible for the formation of hemoglobin in our organism (fundamental for the oxygenation of the body’s tissues human). It has the function of preserving the nervous system from degenerative states of various nature as well as the ability to strengthen our immune system. It is also very important for good health and the development of brain activity. It has a protective function on the skin. This precious vitamin is very widespread in both plant and animal foods (sources of vitamin B6 are meat, fish, whole grains, milk and dairy products, eggs, potatoes, cauliflower, chickpeas, lentils, cauliflower, dried fruit, etc.). A deficiency of vitamin B6 can cause skin rashes, irritability, depression, anemia, convulsions and various types of nervous system imbalances. An excess of vitamin B6 can cause states of mental stress, neuropathies of various kinds, photosensitivity and gastrointestinal disorders.