Strawberry: Properties and benefits

Strawberries are a very tasty summer fruit with very interesting beneficial properties. They are very rich in water (90% of their weight) and are therefore useful for rehydrating our body especially in summer when the summer heat subjects us to heavy sweating. They are also very rich in fiber and for this reason they have an effective laxative action (and are therefore very useful for the health of the intestine and the immune system). They are very rich in mineral salts (manganese, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, potassium, iodine etc.) and vitamins (in particular vitamin C, vitamin K and group B vitamins) which make them an excellent remineralising and restorative for our organism as well as an excellent antioxidant. Polyphenols and anthocyanins are also present in great abundance in strawberries. The action of these substances is fundamental to combat oxidative stress, damage caused by free radicals and premature aging. Particularly important is the presence of quercetin. This substance, in addition to being a very powerful antioxidant, also has proven anti-inflammatory, anti-flu and anti-carcinogenic properties. The presence of iodine in this fruit then makes it a very useful food for all those who suffer from thyroid problems. It can be consumed raw, in the form of juice or even in a smoothie, preferably associated with acidic or semi-acid fruits and away from main meals. This substance, in addition to being a very powerful antioxidant, also has proven anti-inflammatory, anti-flu and anti-carcinogenic properties. The presence of iodine in this fruit then makes it a very useful food for all those who suffer from thyroid problems. It can be consumed raw, in the form of juice or even in a smoothie, preferably associated with acidic or semi-acid fruits and away from main meals. This substance, in addition to being a very powerful antioxidant, also has proven anti-inflammatory, anti-flu and anti-carcinogenic properties. The presence of iodine in this fruit then makes it a very useful food for all those who suffer from thyroid problems. It can be consumed raw, in the form of juice or even in a smoothie, preferably associated with acidic or semi-acid fruits and away from main meals.