Salt: Properties and benefits

Whole sea salt is a food with exceptional beneficial properties for our body. In particular, it is able to promote the elimination of acid waste in our intestine (it has a high “corrosive” power on the walls of the colon and therefore helps to free them from fecal encrustations that can accumulate over time) and thus promote correct functioning of intestinal activity and the correct absorption of nutrients which occurs precisely on the walls of this organ. All this also favors the strengthening of our immune system which is located right in the intestine. It has remineralising and restorative properties as it is very rich in mineral salts (potassium, sodium, magnesium, iodine etc.). In particular, its richness in iodine makes it an exceptional remedy for problems with the thyroid gland (iodine is essential for the regular activity of the thyroid). Whole sea salt also has protective properties of the oral cavity and our teeth as well as our skin which helps to keep it young and toned. It has the ability to alkalize the moods of our body and to fight dangerous states of acidosis in our organism (therefore regulates our acid-base balance). It should be underlined that white salt (the one we often find in our kitchens and which is used for the preparation of baked goods or packaged products) does not have the same properties as whole salt since the industrial refining process to which it is subjected it deprives it of much of the nutrients found in brown salt. Refined salt is also extremely acidifying (and not alkalising like whole salt) and is therefore harmful to the acid-base balance which is essential for the optimal functioning of our organism. It also contains much more sodium than the wholemeal version and can therefore easily generate hypertensive states that are extremely harmful to the cardiovascular system. For these reasons it is advisable to always consume whole salt and not refined salt.