Lemon balm: Properties and benefits

Lemon balm is a plant with well-known sedative and calming properties and is able to bring particular benefits to our organism in all cases of acute nervousness, neurasthenia, nervous exhaustion, insomnia and pathologies connected to them such as neuralgia, migraines and states of exhaustion resulting from psychic and mental stress. This precious plant also has carminative properties (as it reduces the presence of gas in the intestine), antispasmolytic (especially in the organs of the digestive system) and laxative (and is therefore able to promote the correct functionality of the intestine ). It is rich in vitamin C (very useful for the health of the heart and cardiovascular system) and flavonoids which give it a powerful antioxidant action capable of hindering cellular oxidation processes caused by the harmful action of free radicals. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and is therefore also very useful for recovering from various types of flu. It is therefore clear that lemon balm is a plant that should be consumed as much as possible for the set of benefits it is able to bring to our body. The ideal is to consume it in herbal tea combined with other herbs with similar properties (valerian, burdock, chamomile) capable of enhancing its beneficial effects for our body. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and is therefore also very useful for recovering from various types of flu. It is therefore clear that lemon balm is a plant that should be consumed as much as possible for the set of benefits it is able to bring to our body. The ideal is to consume it in herbal tea combined with other herbs with similar properties (valerian, burdock, chamomile) capable of enhancing its beneficial effects for our body. It also has anti-inflammatory and antiviral properties and is therefore also very useful for recovering from various types of flu. It is therefore clear that lemon balm is a plant that should be consumed as much as possible for the set of benefits it is able to bring to our body. The ideal is to consume it in herbal tea combined with other herbs with similar properties (valerian, burdock, chamomile) capable of enhancing its beneficial effects for our body.