Iron: Properties and benefits

Iron is one of the most important mineral salts for our body. It is able to stimulate the production of hemoglobin and red blood cells and is therefore able to allow adequate oxygenation of the cells and tissues of our organism, thus preventing dangerous states of cellular (neoplasms, etc.) and tissue degeneration. It allows for excellent functioning of our nervous system since it is essential for the activation of neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. It also has a fortifying action on our immune system and is therefore very important for the immune response that our body is able to offer in case of infections from viruses and bacteria. Iron is also able to stimulate the activity of the digestive system as a whole, promoting its correct functioning. It is contained in potatoes, lentils, wheat, cocoa, beans, peanuts, spinach and many types of fish. An iron deficiency in our body can cause anemia, chronic fatigue, cardiac arrhythmias, neurological dysfunctions, dizziness and general malaise. An excess of it can instead cause diseases of the liver and cardiovascular system.