Headache : Natural treatments and remedies

Headache (cephalea) is one of the most common ailments nowadays. It is often caused by states of profound psychophysical stress caused by intense bodily activity. It can also be caused by states of imbalance in the vital functions of our body. Especially after food poisoning or as a result of specific metabolic dysfunctions. Doctor Gerson used his cure (which later became famous for the treatment of cancer) as a therapy against his very frequent headaches. This therapy, still very valid today, was based on a liquid diet based on organic vegetable and fruit juices (as well as on the practice of coffee enemas to detoxify the liver and intestines) capable of purifying and decongesting the body in a to make it perfectly toned and functional. This nutritional approach therefore acts on what for Gerson are the physical causes of headaches. That is, congestion and bodily intoxication (especially intestinal). This method can be very valid for all those people who suffer from recurring (or even daily) headaches. It is a completely natural and deeply detoxifying therapy. Able, headaches aside, to intensely purify our body and make it able to work at its best. Herbs with soothing, analgesic and calming properties are also very useful against headaches. Among these stand out This method can be very valid for all those people who suffer from recurring (or even daily) headaches. It is a completely natural and deeply detoxifying therapy. Able, headaches aside, to intensely purify our body and make it able to work at its best. Herbs with soothing, analgesic and calming properties are also very useful against headaches. Among these stand out This method can be very valid for all those people who suffer from recurring (or even daily) headaches. It is a completely natural and deeply detoxifying therapy. Able, headaches aside, to intensely purify our body and make it able to work at its best. Herbs with soothing, analgesic and calming properties are also very useful against headaches. Among these stand outbasil, ginger, valerian, nepeta, chamomile, lemon balm, mallow, marigold, hops etc. A mixed infusion of these herbs can be a valid help against more or less intense headaches. A valid help against headaches can also be offered by Bach flowers. In particular the Bach flower mixture n. 43 is specifically indicated for the treatment of this hateful disorder. Other mixtures allow us to better tolerate the stress of everyday life and calm us down in case of excessive nervousness (problems which can cause headaches of various kinds).