Gastroesophageal reflux: Natural treatments and remedies

Gastroesophageal reflux is a very widespread pathology in contemporary societies. This disease, which can also become chronic, is characterized by the ascent of the food bolus along the esophagus after reaching the stomach. This anomalous situation can occur for various reasons. The first is the malfunction of the cardia (i.e. the valve located at the mouth of the stomach and which divides the latter from the esophagus). In this case the cardia, which should close after the bolus arrives in the stomach, remains open and allows gastric juices and part of the bolus itself to return to the esophagus causing regurgitation and damage to the esophageal mucosa. It can also be caused by states of stubborn constipation and therefore by clogging of the intestine and in these cases to solve the reflux problem the intestinal transit problem must first be solved. In this case it is appropriaterestore correct intestinal functionality through the use of intestinal washes or even a liquid diet based on herbal teas or fruit and vegetable juices, continued for two or three days, which frees the intestine and restores its functionality. This should then be associated with a replenishment of probiotics capable of reconstituting a healthy intestinal flora that guarantees the regularity of this organ. However, if this problem is caused by the malfunctioning of the cardia (cardias beante), a targeted diet that includes foods with a gastroprotective and antacid effect (thus capable of limiting the acidity of the digestive process) is appropriate. Among these, apples, carrots and bananas stand out (the latter, due to their well-known healing abilities, are also very useful in cases of gastric ulcers). Generally, herbs with strong protective properties towards the mucous membranes and walls of the stomach (angelica, anise, chamomile, licorice, aloe etc.) are also very effective. We therefore recommend the use of infusions and decoctions of these plants which have a digestive and at the same time gastroprotective effect. The use of root extracts (carrots, red beets, turmeric, Jerusalem artichokes, ginger) is also recommended which, due to their alkalising and antacid action, can certainly act beneficially not only on stomach acid but also on the complex of vital functions of our organism. We therefore recommend the use of infusions and decoctions of these plants which have a digestive and at the same time gastroprotective effect. The use of root extracts (carrots, red beets, turmeric, Jerusalem artichokes, ginger) is also recommended which, due to their alkalising and antacid action, can certainly act beneficially not only on stomach acid but also on the complex of vital functions of our organism. We therefore recommend the use of infusions and decoctions of these plants which have a digestive and at the same time gastroprotective effect. The use of root extracts (carrots, red beets, turmeric, Jerusalem artichokes, ginger) is also recommended which, due to their alkalising and antacid action, can certainly act beneficially not only on stomach acid but also on the complex of vital functions of our organism.