Corn: Properties and benefits

Corn is a plant with strong beneficial properties. It belongs to the graminaceous family and is therefore a close relative of cereals such as wheat, spelt, millet, etc. Corn flour is obtained from it, which is highly appreciated for the preparation of bread, pasta and other widely consumed food products. It is particularly rich in starch and carbohydrates which make it a very energetic food. It is very rich in fiber and therefore very useful for promoting intestinal transit and the expulsion of waste materials from our body. The richness of fiber means that the carbohydrates in which it is particularly rich are slowly absorbed into our body without causing glycemic peaks that are dangerous for our health. It is a food particularly rich in mineral salts (sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, copper, zinc etc.) which make it an excellent tonic for our body. It also contains group B vitamins (useful in cell regeneration processes) and vitamin A (powerful antioxidant and beneficial for the health of our eyes and skin). This plant therefore has interesting beneficial properties. Corn cobs can be eaten raw or cooked.