Baldness (hair loss): Natural cures and remedies

Baldness is a physical condition in which hair loss and loss occurs. It is widespread especially among individuals of the Caucasoid race (white race) and can cause depression, inferiority complexes and problems in social relationships. Baldness is generally determined by genetic factors but can also be caused by therapeutic treatments (especially chemotherapy), intense and prolonged states of stress and states of deep depression. When hair loss occurs, you can intervene naturally in various ways since there are many plants capable of strengthening hair and counteracting hair loss.The most effective remedy is probably watercress juice (already used by the ancient Romans to combat baldness and regrow hair). Watercress juice (or, alternatively, watercress oil) has a powerful invigorating effect on the scalp and is able to counteract hair loss. Garlic and onion juice (widely used in Japan for the treatment of hair loss) also has tonic and strengthening properties on the scalp and is extremely effective in case of baldness.  Even  apple cider vinegar, applied directly to the scalp, pure or diluted in water, can have invigorating effects on the hair such as to prevent it from falling out.It is also able to act effectively on dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis. Diet also plays an essential role in preventing baldness. A constant supply of sulfur and silicon in our diet is very important . These two minerals, in fact, contained in garlic, onion, leeks, broccoli, cabbage, cereal bran etc. they are very useful for the health and strength of our hair. To prevent premature hair loss, a diet rich in these two precious mineral salts is of fundamental importance. To keep our hair healthy, a constant supply of vitamins is also advisableamine C, A and E (with a powerful antioxidant action that counteracts the hair’s aging processes) as well as vitamins B1, B8 and B9 which are able to nourish the hair from the root. It is therefore recommended, in case of baldness, a large consumption of yellow-orange fruit and vegetables (carrots, peppers, pumpkin, citrus fruits, apricots, peaches, etc.) and whole grains and legumes (rich in group B vitamins ).