Apple: Properties and benefits

“An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. How many times have we heard this phrase. In fact, there is nothing more true. The apple, whether green or red, has very beneficial properties for our body. It contains vitamin A and vitamin C as well as discrete quantities of vitamin B. It is particularly rich in mineral salts such as sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium. In the apple there are also discrete quantities of quercetin. Quercetin is one of the most powerful antioxidants known today and is very useful in combating the harmful action of free radicals and cellular degeneration. Silica is contained in the apple peel (and this is why this fruit should always be eaten whole and never peeled). This element is particularly useful for the health of our hair system and also for the preservation of good cell turnover in the human body. It is considered a real cancer preventative and is therefore very useful for preventing this type of disease. Malic acid is also present in apples and has proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its richness in fiber (even in the peel) this fruit is also indicated for promoting correct intestinal transit and therefore counteracting the accumulation of waste in the intestine which can lead to various morbid states. Consumed before meals or in the form of juice, it remains an excellent choice for maintaining our state of health. It is considered a real cancer preventative and is therefore very useful for preventing this type of disease. Malic acid is also present in apples and has proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its richness in fiber (even in the peel) this fruit is also indicated for promoting correct intestinal transit and therefore counteracting the accumulation of waste in the intestine which can lead to various morbid states. Consumed before meals or in the form of juice, it remains an excellent choice for maintaining our state of health. It is considered a real cancer preventative and is therefore very useful for preventing this type of disease. Malic acid is also present in apples and has proven antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. Thanks to its richness in fiber (even in the peel) this fruit is also indicated for promoting correct intestinal transit and therefore counteracting the accumulation of waste in the intestine which can lead to various morbid states. Consumed before meals or in the form of juice, it remains an excellent choice for maintaining our state of health. Thanks to its richness in fiber (even in the peel) this fruit is also indicated for promoting correct intestinal transit and therefore counteracting the accumulation of waste in the intestine which can lead to various morbid states. Consumed before meals or in the form of juice, it remains an excellent choice for maintaining our state of health. Thanks to its richness in fiber (even in the peel) this fruit is also indicated for promoting correct intestinal transit and therefore counteracting the accumulation of waste in the intestine which can lead to various morbid states. Consumed before meals or in the form of juice, it remains an excellent choice for maintaining our state of health.