Wheat: Properties and benefits

Wheat is the cereal that is of particular importance in the diet of a large part of the world’s population. From it we obtain the flour that is used in many food products such as pasta, pizza, desserts, etc. Wheat flour can be of various types based on the level of bran (the coating of the wheat germ) that is preserved in the refining process. The healthiest is the wholemeal one (i.e. the one from which the bran is not removed) which has truly important healthy properties. First of all, it has the property of promoting intestinal transit (white flour instead causes constipation) thanks to its particular richness in insoluble fibers (particularly present in wheat bran). Bran also has prebiotic properties and is able to promote the development of a healthy intestinal flora and prevent dangerous states of dysbiosis which can favor various morbid conditions. Wheat bran also has the ability to slow down the absorption of sugars of which this cereal is particularly rich. Furthermore, the active ingredients of this fantastic food are concentrated in the bran. That is, the mineral salts of which this food is exceptionally rich (magnesium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, manganese, copper, zinc, etc. which make it indispensable for promoting tissue mineralization and the vital functions of our organism) and group B vitamins which make it an excellent ally of our metabolism and cellular regeneration processes. In this precious vegetable there is also the presence of vitamin A (which has an antioxidant and protective function for the skin, mucous membranes and eyes), vitamins E (powerful antioxidant) and K (very beneficial for the cardiovascular system). It is also rich in carotenoids and polyphenols (lutein and zeaxanthin) which increase its antioxidant properties and are particularly beneficial for our sight and eyes. Due to the immense benefits that this precious cereal is able to bring to our body it should be consumed daily and always “natural” or in its whole and never refined version. Since the latter is not only much poorer in properties but is also harmful to the health of our intestine since it causes constipation and, consequently,