Walnut: Properties and benefits

The walnut is a fruit exceptionally poor in water (the quantity of water it contains is equal to only 4% of its weight) but boasts notable beneficial properties for the human body. This fruit contains vitamins in good quantities. In particular, we note the presence of vitamin E (with strong antioxidant power) and B vitamins (B1, B6 and B9) which make it precious for the proper functioning of our cellular and metabolic system. The walnut is also very rich in mineral salts (iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium etc.). Its moderate fiber content makes it very useful for the proper functioning of transit and intestinal function (and therefore for the proper functioning of the immune system). It is also rich in flavonoids (with a powerful antioxidant action) and omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids which bring great benefits to cardiac function and the cardiovascular system as a whole. It also contains arginine, a substance that makes the arteries elastic and is therefore able to prevent states of atherosclerosis. Walnuts should be consumed alone, before meals also combined with other dried fruit with similar characteristics (such as almonds).