Melon: Properties and benefits

Melon is a summer fruit with multiple beneficial properties. To grow it you need a lot of water. Which makes its cultivation very challenging. As revealed by the color of its pulp, it is rich in beta-carotene (precursor of vitamin A). It is also very rich in vitamin C. For this reason this vegetable is very useful for the health of our skin and eyes as well as for strengthening our immune system and fighting free radicals (antioxidant properties). Its large content of mineral salts (calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium, etc.) make it an excellent natural remineralizer. Its high water content (about 90% of its weight) gives it hydrating properties. It has the ability to stimulate diuresis (promoting the expulsion of toxins) and to combat water retention (and is therefore an excellent ally in case of cellulite). The abundant presence of folic acid (vitamin B9) makes it a precious ally of our cellular system. It is also very rich in niacin (vitamin B3) and is therefore very suitable for the well-being of our cardiovascular system and preventing disease states of the same. This precious vegetable should be eaten, even in the form of juice, always alone and away from main meals. It is also very rich in niacin (vitamin B3) and is therefore very suitable for the well-being of our cardiovascular system and preventing disease states of the same. This precious vegetable should be eaten, even in the form of juice, always alone and away from main meals. It is also very rich in niacin (vitamin B3) and is therefore very suitable for the well-being of our cardiovascular system and preventing disease states of the same. This precious vegetable should be eaten, even in the form of juice, always alone and away from main meals.