Fluoride: Properties and benefits

Fluoride is especially involved in the health of our bones and teeth. In fact, it promotes the absorption of calcium in our body, helping to strengthen both the skeletal system and our teeth. It is therefore very useful in cases of osteoporosis and bone fractures resulting from pathological states of the same. It has the ability to protect the enamel of our teeth thanks to the fact that it is able to counteract the natural acidity found in the oral cavity. This ability therefore allows you to protect the tooth enamel from aggressive acid components. It also has properties on our cardiovascular system which helps keep us healthy. It is present in animal products and products of animal origin (fish, meat, milk and cheese) and also in fruit and vegetables in quantities that also vary based on the composition of the soil on which they are grown (it is generally found in pepper, potatoes, green beans, pears, peaches etc.). A fluoride deficiency can cause deterioration of tooth enamel and therefore the onset of tooth decay and gum problems, brittle bones and cardiovascular system dysfunction. An excess of it can instead cause abnormal bone growth and states of nausea and general malaise.