Aloe vera: Properties and benefits

Aloe is a plant with extraordinary beneficial properties. It is defined as “the miracle plant” for the great benefits it is able to bring to our body. It is used both for internal use (in the form of juice) and for external use (in the form of gel). It is able to bring great benefits to the gastrointestinal system thanks to its laxative and anti-inflammatory properties (in particular it is able to protect the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines). It effectively stimulates the action of the liver and its purification thanks to its ability to promote the secretion of bile. It is also an excellent stimulant of the urinary system since it is able to stimulate diuresis. Due to its ability to stimulate the excretory organs, aloe has a very powerful purifying and detoxifying action on our organism as it is able to promote the expulsion of waste products from our metabolism (toxins). This fantastic plant also has a very powerful antioxidant action capable of preventing premature aging and cellular oxidation states that are very harmful to our health. Its antioxidant action is guaranteed by the presence of vitamins (A, B and C) and a series of amino acids (especially acemannan) with a powerful antioxidant action. It is also widely used (in the form of a gel) for the care of our skin, for the healing of ulcers and wounds and to strengthen and make our hair more beautiful and shiny. For all these reasons, daily use is recommended.